Join us in Protecting Our Natural Habitats
Our collaborative mission is to protect natural habitats and inspire meaningful change. We need your support!
Why do we care ?
Since deforestation and forest degradation continue to take place at alarming rates, EBS realises the importance of making matters heard and it being brought to the limelight. According to the UN-REDD PROGRAM 2008, deforestation and forest degradation account for approximately 11% of carbon emissions, more than the entire global transportation sector and second only to the energy sector. Halting and reversing deforestation could deliver up to 30% of the climate solution, making forests one of the most cost-effective and immediate solutions to climate change.
Soccer pitches of trees lost since you landed on the website
Source: Global forest watch
Updated On: April, 2022
Of assessed plant species are under threat of extinction
IUCN Red List
Updated On: August, 2022
6.05 %
World cities with moderately unhealthy Air Quality Index
Source: AQICN
Updated On: 7 Nov, 2022
416.43 PPM
CO2 concentration levels >420, highest in at least 4 million years
Updated On: 30 Oct, 2022
1.11°C +/- 0.13
Rise in global mean temperature in 2021 over the baseline temperature of 1850-1900
<bSource: WMO
Updated On: May, 2022
What is Sacred Groves?
Sacred Groves is a Community Interest Company, incorporated in England & Wales, driven by the purpose of protecting our planet’s natural habitats. It is a platform that enables millions of Guardians (environmentally sensitive individuals and companies) to seamlessly participate in the process of conservation.
What Sacred Groves Do?
Protects biodiverse habitats and forests across the world
Sacred Groves helps in securing natural habitats through either direct acquisition, lease or long-term contracts with landowners, governments and institutions.
Sacred Groves Clusters (SGCs)
Using geospatial imaging, each acre of land secured will be virtually divided into an average of 275 clusters covering a virtual footprint of 158.4 square feet. These virtual Sacred Groves Clusters (SGCs) are placed on a private blockchain.
A global platform for sustainable impact
Sacred Groves platforms allow Guardians to build communities committed to protecting our planet. By 2025, Sacred Groves plans to protect and conserve 100,000 acres of natural habitats with the support of a flourishing community of 500,000+ Guardians.
Unique ID for each Sacred Groves Cluster
Each Sacred Grove Cluster is assigned a unique ID allowing the Guardians to virtually visualise the habitats they are protecting. The health and progress of the cluster can be monitored using geospatial data and satellite imagery.
Protection Fee for Each Sacred Groves Cluster
Each Guardian will pay a fee for securing a Sacred Grove Cluster for a period of 10 years. The Sacred Groves Community Interest Company shall be responsible for the management and protection of the habitat area on behalf of the Guardians.
Habitats We Protect
Sacred Groves is committed to the mission of preserving natural habitats and ecosystems across the world to prevent their further destruction.
Coed Rhyal
Wales, United Kingdom
Gigrin Prysg
Wales, United Kingdom
Ocean Sanctuary
Nova Scotia, Canada
Explore your Sacred Groves right now virtually on Google Earth. Every Sacred Groves Cluster is assigned a unique code so you can see exactly what you are protecting.